Sometimes it is hard to be productive, motivated or simply ready to start a working day. But your biggest friends, like your morning coffee with the girls in the office, a quick check of your social media accounts, some music on your computer or a lovely message on your phone do the trick. 

9.30 a.m. it is time to work now and why not feeling good while working? You look outside the window for the beautiful view and are thankful that you have the opportunity to be here. Historical buildings, nature and modern architecture mixed together with a lovely, early spring sunshine. Be positive, show your best and take these tips to be happy at your workplace.


1.Set daily goals, organize your work

Take an overall view of your daily workload, and try to reorganize to be most efficient. Try alternating unappealing tasks with those that you enjoy. Plan each of your workdays considering what exactly you would like to achieve during each day. Reaching your daily goals will make you feel satisfied. It will have a positive influence not only on your evening but on your next workday as well. 


2.Say no to multitasking

Despite the myth that multitasking is very effective it actually is not. Professor Clifford Nas at Stanford University argues: multitasking is taking away more time than saving it. During multitasking it is harder for you to concentrate and to be creative. Instead of dealing with several tasks at once, it is better to concentrate on one and finish it in the best possible way. Set your priorities and get things done one by one.

3.Open up with your boss

Relationship with your boss is one of the key to happiness at work. Be sure to understand   your boss’s expectation and ask for regular feedback. Find your personal boundaries and let your boss know what makes you tick. 


4.Have a creative pet project

If your work becomes too boring or monotone, or on the contrary, if it continuously requires strong concentration, take up on a creative personal project. This is something you can focus on during your breaks and it will diverts your attention from hard work. 


5.Take time to relax and stretch out

Take quick breaks during the day to do some easy exercises, stretch and walk, listen to your favourite song, do through the daily news or watch motivating or funny videos.


6. Be open to your colleagues

Develop a good relationship with your colleagues. Exchanging ideas and experience can enhance your knowledge and skills, as well as add meaning to your work. A good established network is always valuable asset to have. Spending time with interesting, positive and competent people you work with, will boost your motivation, help improve yourself and your mood too.


7. Focus on excellence not on success 

When you focus on success you can easily fall into the trap of comparing yourself to others Feeling envious, playing office politics, or competing against your colleagues instead of collaborating is not the best way to have you feeling happy. If you focus on excellence you measure yourself against your personal goals and potential. Simply focus on getting better every day and this will make your work more meaningful and rewarding.


+1. Finally, a perhaps the most important…SMILE! 

A smile has special powers, a smile is contagious, a smile makes you feel more attractive! If you are smiling and you are a good mood, it will spread on all of your colleagues. So let’s not forget to smile!

Have a beautiful day and try to get the most satisfaction out of your everyday work!